Monthly Archives June 2024

High School Mud Cup 2024

  May 31st marked the annual TCPS High School Mud Cup which is the final House activity for the year. Students wore House athletic gear and running shoes for the whole day. We played kickball, a crazy fusion of softball … Continued

TCPS IB Exhibition Week

  During the week of May 27th, Town Centre Private Schools held a series of IB Exhibitions. Town Centre’s Theory of Knowledge (TOK) Exhibition was held on Wednesday, May 29th showcasing our IB DP Grade 11 TOK students! TOK Grade … Continued

Red Carpet Hollywood Prom

    As the end of another school year approached, senior students excitedly anticipated the prom.  In preparation for this special night, the prom committee was very busy making beautiful invitations, table place cards, creating decorations and assembling gift bags … Continued



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