Elementary School Admissions


While many of our students have come from a Montessori program, it is not a pre-requisite for enrolment in our Elementary program. The School accepts student applications from all other private, public, and independent schools. TCPS offers the IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) in grades 1 to 5 and IB Middle Years Programme (MYP) in grades 6 to 8.

New families interested in attending TCPS are asked to contact the school at 905-474-3434 for grade 1 and at 905-470-1200 for grades 2 to 8 to speak with an Elementary Vice-Principal or Principal prior to applying.

How to Register:

Please use Adobe Reader to complete the forms.  You can download it for free hereAdobe icon

Elementary Enrolment Forms for 2025-2026 School Year

Grades 1 to 8 Summer Camp Registration Forms 2025 

  • Download the Elementary Forms to your desktop or phone.  Open the form in Adobe Acrobat. Save downloaded form with the student’s first and last name as the file name.

  • Complete the enrolment form
  • Save the completed form

Click “Submit” at the end of the form or email to elemreg@tcmps.com

In addition to the enrolment form, copies of the following documents also need to be submitted:

      • Proof of Citizenship
      • Proof of Health Insurance
      • Immunization Record
      • Report Cards received during the last 2 years from the previous school attended

Scan and send Additional Required Documents by email to elemreg@tcmps.com

Call the School at 905-474-3434 (grade 1) and 905-470-1200 (grades 2 to 8) to book an appointment to complete the Entrance Assessment.

Once we receive the enrolment form, our office will call you to make arrangements for payment. To protect both yourself and the school, we do not recommend sending credit card information via email.

If you have any questions about our registration process, please contact us at info@tcmps.com.

 2025-2026 School Year Fees

A before school 7:00 – 9:00 a.m. and after school program 3:30 – 6:30 p.m. are included with tuition.

Grades 1 and 2 – International Baccalaureate $1,645 per month
Grades 3 to 6 – International Baccalaureate $1,775 per month
Grades 7 and 8 – International Baccalaureate $1,935 per month
Elementary International Students $37,250 per year
Elementary Activity Fee (includes: House League T-Shirt, Academic Planner
and Monthly Day Trips/Visitors excluding grades 6-8 overnight trips)
$510 per year
Application Fee – New students one time per family $200 

For Pre-School and High School tuition, please refer to the Tuition page. 

2025 Elementary Summer Camp Fees

The 2025 Elementary Summer Camp program will operate from June 30th to August 22nd.  Weekly enrolment is available. A before school program 7:00 – 9:00 am and after-school program 3:30 – 6:30 pm are included with tuition.

* Register for 3 weeks or more by April 1, 2025, and save $50.  

Elementary Summer Camp

Grades 1 to 8 $415 per week

Payment Options

TCPS payment options for students and their families.

Regular Academic Year from September to June:

  1.  Full payment at the time of registration and receive a 4% discount before February 1, 2025, 2% thereafter.
  2. (International Students Only) Pay the tuition fees in two equal instalments, one at the time of registration and the other payment dated October 1st, with a 1% discount.
  3. Monthly payments consisting of 10 equal payments per year with 1 June deposit due at registration and 9 postdated payments dated the first of each month from September 1 through May 1.  International students must choose either payment option number 1 or 2.

  • Additional discounts are available to siblings of a registered student. Each subsequent sibling will receive a 4% discount on his or her tuition fees provided they are registered in a full-time program. Only the oldest child will be charged the full tuition fees.
  • Multiple discounts are not available.

July and August Summer Camp Programs

Summer Camp fees are due upon registration.

Re-Registration Week

Each January, Town Centre Private Schools offers “Early Bird” re-registration week for currently enrolled students.  Parents or guardians who register on or before the days as set in the School calendar are eligible for additional discounts. Early registration allows parents to secure their child’s placement in the School for the upcoming academic year and to take advantage of the extra savings.




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