With the start of a new year, Loblaws is asking Canadians to take the pledge to “Raise a Food Lover”, which helps encourage families to live a healthier lifestyle by cooking and eating together and to start your day off by eating fresh as part of the “Eat Your Food Groups” breakfast challenge.
President’s Choice Children’s Charity in partnership with Loblaws McCowan Market Markham along with the store’s PC cooking schools and in-store dietitian, provided the Town Centre Private Schools’ Pre-School Division and grade 1 classes with a free breakfast on January 18th. Town Centre was the winning school selected for this community event in support of both the “Raise a Food Lover” challenge and the “WE Eat Well” campaign. Students were given an activity booklet, Healthy Food for Healthy Bodies, designed to engage students in activities and encourage them to explore how healthy food helps the body grow, function and develop, and to understand the importance of making healthy food choices.
Thank you to Loblaws McCowan Market Markham for this special treat!