Pre-School News

Enhancing our Ability to Communicate with TCPS Families

Town Centre Private Schools has always understood the importance of regular communication between parents, teachers and the administrative staff. In 2019, TCPS created a customized App for our parents to receive information on upcoming events accessible from their mobile or … Continued

Enhancing our Ability to Communicate with TCPS Families

Town Centre Private Schools has always understood the importance of regular communication between parents, teachers and the administrative staff. In 2019, TCPS created a customized App for our parents to receive information on upcoming events accessible from their mobile or … Continued

Voted #1 Private School in York Region!

Following the local Readers’ Choice Awards 2020, a new contest was launched for York Region’s Readers’ Choice Favourite of the Diamonds Awards with 2020 Award winning businesses in the nine York Region municipalities competing in select Readers’ Choice categories.  We … Continued

Chick Hatching Program

On May 11th, our Chick Hatching Program will commence at the Amarillo Campus. The chicks require anincubation period of 21 days before hatching and are expected to hatch around June 5th. The incubator willbe on display in the Amarillo Office. … Continued

Montessori Education Week

Between April 19th and April 23rd our Pre-School students participated in our annual Montessori Education Week, where students learned about the life and work of Dr. Maria Montessori and her unique method of education. Students also had the opportunity to … Continued

Pre-School Winter Carnival

Our Toddlers, Pre-Casa and Casa classes participated in our annual TCPS Winter Carnival during the last week of January. The Preparatory and Senior Preparatory students kicked-off the first week return to in-class learning with indoor and outdoor activities for their … Continued

Pre-School February Bulletin

TCPS creates a monthly Pre-School information bulletin for our parents and students. Click on the link below to enjoy our February edition. February 2021 Pre-School Bulletin



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