High School Graduation Class of 2022

June 24th marked a special day on the TCPS High School calendar with the Grade 12 Graduation.  This year, we were able to return to an in-person ceremony and have parents and family join the students on this special day. … Continued

Grades 2 – 5 Digital Discovery Course

A very popular TCPS After School Course, the Digital Discovery class program helps students learn to design and create fun projects. Some of this year’s exciting projects introduced students to animation, game design, app design and coding. Students gained a … Continued

Elementary Hour of Code Project

Every student in TCPS is given an opportunity to learn computer science and computer programming as core parts of the curriculum. Coding is part of the Ontario math curriculum.  A global movement with over 180 countries participating, the Hour of … Continued

Grade 8 Graduation

The grade 8 students participated in their graduation ceremony on the morning of June 21st.  It was a wonderful occasion for them to come together and celebrate the hard work and accomplishments of this year’s graduating class. As each of … Continued

Grades 5 and 7 TED Talks Contest Winners!

This year, grade 5 and 7 Town Centre students once again engaged in the highly popular and informative TCPS TED Talks. The TED Talks are an important part of Language Arts classes that enable students to connect to concepts across … Continued

HOSA Students Advance to International Leadership Conference

HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America) is a well-known organization that focuses on health-related topics and provides opportunities to High School students to compete in Canada’s largest health science competition. Topics include behavioural health, medical terminology, veterinary science, forensic science … Continued

An Enchanted Night at Prom

As the end of another school year approached, senior students excitedly anticipated the prom.  In preparation for this special night, the prom committee was very busy making the beautiful invitations, table place cards, creating decorations and assembling gift bags for … Continued

Winners of the TCPS Photography Contest

This year’s Town Centre Photo Contest was a huge success! Twenty-five students from different grades submitted photos based on three established themes – Beauty, Stress and Rebirth. A prize was awarded to the winner for each theme. We would like … Continued

11 Ducklings Hatched at our Amarillo Campus! On May 2nd, the Amarillo Campus started its annual Duck Hatching Program with eggs being placed in an incubator for 28 days.  As good custodians of these precious eggs, the incubator ensured the perfect temperature and constant humidity so the … Continued



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