High School Application


Welcome to Town Centre Private Schools’ High School Division. Below are the steps to apply for enrolment in grades 9, 10, 11 or 12.

New families interested in attending TCPS are asked to contact the our High School Principal, Ms. Leepy Hajra or High School Vice-Principal, Mr. Ken Huber prior to applying.

Ms. Leepy Hajra
High School Principal
Tel:  (905) 470-1200

Mr. Ken Huber
High School Vice-Principal
Tel: (905) 470-1200

How to Register:

graphic step 1 download adobe reader

Please use Adobe Reader to complete the forms.  You can download it for free here Adobe Reader

High School Enrolment Forms for the 2024-2025 School Year 

  • Download the High School forms to your desktop or phone. Open the forms in Adobe Acrobat. Save the downloaded form with the student’s first and last name as the file name.
  • Complete the enrolment form
  • Save the completed form

Click “Submit” at the end of the form or email to hsreg@tcmps.com

  • Proof of Citizenship
  • Proof of Health Insurance
  • Immunization Record
  • Official reports or transcripts of grades received during the last 2 years at the previous school attended (3 years for international students)

Scan and send the Additional Required Documents by email to hsreg@tcmps.com

A TCPS High School Assessment Form must be completed by the last school attended. Please send the form below to your current school Principal.  This form will be sent by your current school directly to our High School Principal by email to leepy.hajra@tcphs.com.  

TCPS High School Assessment Form

Once we receive the enrolment form, our office will call you to make arrangements for payment. To protect both yourself and the school, we do not recommend sending credit card information via email.

High School Handbook

Below is the High School Handbook. As part of the enrolment process students and parents are asked to read through the handbook. After reading, please download the High School Handbook Acknowledgement Form, complete the form, and return it to leepy.hajra@tcphs.com.

TCPS High School Handbook

TCPS High School Handbook Acknowledgement Form

2025-2026 School Year Fees

Program: Tuition: 
Grade 9 and 10  $2,005 per month
Grade 11 and 12 – University Prep and Optional International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (DP) $2,125 per month
Grades 9 to 12 International Student Programs (all programs) $39,990 per year
High school Activity Fee (includes: Clubs, Tutorials, House League T-Shirt and Yearbook) $625 annual fee due upon registration

High School Uniform

TCPS students purchase their school uniforms through InSchoolwear. Parents and students can visit their store in Richmond Hill or order through the InSchoolwear website.

TCPS Grade 9-12 Uniform Brochure


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