To promote Canada’s Mental Health Awareness Week from May 2nd to 8th, the STRIVE Club hosted events, workshops, games and presentations throughout the week bringing awareness to the importance of mental health. Coordinated by STRIVE members the week’s events included placing sticky notes on each student’s locker with a personalized message of positivity, being aware of our own mental and emotional health and taking a beneficial break when needed. A mental health presentation on this year’s theme of Empathy was also shared with the students. The week concluded with student’s being invited to pick up envelopes from the STRIVE board that they can keep and open to reveal a positive message when needed.
Part of mental health is physical health. On Friday, May 13th, the High School collectively headed to Highgate Park for the afternoon to celebrate Spring Fest. Stations were set up at the park with various activities including bocce ball, soccer shootout, rock paper scissors relay, volleyball keep up and Frisbee Toss. The day concluded with a game of tug-of-war. The weather was perfect and it was a great afternoon to get out, get some sun and have fun.
Thank you to our dedicated STRIVE Club members and teachers Ms. Somji-Moorani and Mr. Montana for bringing mental and emotional awareness to our students and to Mr. T. for organizing the fantastic Spring Fest event at the park.